Frequently Asked Questions

You Have a Question?

How is the pricing at Medicus?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

When is Medicus opened?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

How deals Medicus with Privacy Policy?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

What if I have no insurance?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

Do you offer VIP Membership?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

What if I only need a cunsultation?

We bring each client a combination of deep industry knowledge and expert perspectives from other industries on the challenge at stake, to offer our clients fresh perspectives and breakthrough business insights.

Get In Touch

Contact Persons


Angelina Moore, MD

+49 0098569858

Steven Klubal, MD

+49 0098767867

Roger Carsten, MD

+49 0098767852


Can I become you patient without permanent residence in the US?

Even though using «lorem ipsum» often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation.

Is it possible to pay with Bitcoin and Etherum at Medicus?

Even though using «lorem ipsum» often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation.



Do you offer special treatment packages for lyme disease?

Even though using «lorem ipsum» often arouses curiosity due to its resemblance to classical Latin, it is not intended to have meaning. Where text is visible in a document, people tend to focus on the textual content rather than upon overall presentation, so publishers use lorem ipsum when displaying a typeface or design in order to direct the focus to presentation.

Webinar: "El proceso de planificación estratégica en tiempos de crisis”

Impartido por: Jordi Llopis e Iganio García de Sigma Consultoría y Administración S.L.
Día: Miércoles 4 de Noviembre
Hora: 9:00 a 9:30

Se ruega confirmar asistencia a y se les enviará enlace para poder asistir al evento de manera online.

Objetivos formativos de la acción:
- Facilitar al asistente un marco que le sirva de referencia para iniciar proceso de reflexión sobre la estrategia de su negocio en los tiempos de crisis que estamos.
- Dotar de criterios básicos para valorar si la estrategia de nuestro negocio está equilibrada para afrontar la crisis
- Abordar los aspectos clave a considerar para identificar si la empresa requiere activar estrategias de supervivencia, y qué posibles opciones puede tener .

El seminario se dividiría en dos partes, una sobre reflexión y planificación estratégica, y la otra sobre estrategias de supervivencia. En la primera abordaremos algunos métodos para gestionar la crisis y definir la estrategia en este contexto, así como poder contrastar si la estrategia cuenta con todos los elementos básicos para que funcione o se lleva a cabo.
En la segunda abordaremos un aspecto de carácter pre-concursal. Es decir los indicios que tenemos que tener controlados y las herramientas básicas que podemos activar para hacer frente a un posible escenario adverso.
